Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Another song

Sorry for the lack of creativity and thought put into posting, not enough hours in the day to blog + browse jaypee and other assorted chans. Here's another song I like. Next time something different, I promise.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Second post.

Well, since I promised to post something daily, here it is. It's a song I really enjoy.

妖怪の山 ~二百十日前夜
Artist: しんさく
Album: Rhapsody~幻想郷狂詩曲
Album Artist: Sound./Ecriture
Original Title: 妖怪の山 ~二百十日前夜
Original Source: 東方風神録 ~ Mountain of Faith

Monday, September 27, 2010

First post!

Hey, first post. Most of you probably know why I made this... Anyway, in this blog, I'll try to find something to post every day, be it a new game, a figure, new album or song etc. But yeah, happy blogging.